Undertow is Grainger’s personal studio in Nashville. Built to allow an unrestricted workflow and to essentially be “off the clock” with every client. No need to worry about anything but being creative. The original idea was to build just a mix room, but was quickly expanded to include two additional rooms for tracking and performance as clients seemed to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of the space. Outfitted with a huge Pro Tools HD3 system (additional platforms include: Logic, Abelton Live, and Reason) loaded with tons of plugins and vsts, UA & Lynx converters, PMC monitors, Dangerous Audio monitoring devices, paired with classic analog outboard gear and microphones, allows for a confidently controlled recording environment. Having readily available instruments and amps were also a desire for Undertow, and the collection continues to grow. Vintage Fenders sit along side Orange, Bogner and Ampeg amplifiers to name a few. Maybe you want to sit behind a mid 60’s Rogers Holiday kit, a 70’s Ludwig Vistalite? Possibly spend some time twisting the knobs on a Moog, learning the drawbars of a Hammond organ, or plug in a Fender Rhodes to one of the amps? The community in Nashville is very generous with their gear, so in addition to what lives at Undertow there always seems to be something new and inspiring to add to a track.